时间:2024-03-09 来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站作者:beat365中国唯一官方网站访问量:
(1)主持国家自然科学基金青年项目《金刚石NV中心与坏腔耦合系统的单光子散射及量子信息处理》(2015.1-2017.12, No. 11405052);
(2)主持湖南省自然科学基金面上项目《PT对称腔量子电动力学系统及量子传感研究》(2020.1-2022.12, No. 2020JJ4286)
(1) Zhao-Hui Peng, Chun-Xia Jia, Yu-Qing Zhang, Ji-Bing Yuan, and Le-Man Kuang, Level attraction and PT symmetry in indirectly coupled microresonators, Physical Review A, 102, 043527 (2020)
(2) Zhao-Hui Peng, Chun-Xia Jia, and Yu-Qing Zhang, High-sensitivity refractometric sensing with indirectly coupled active and passive microresonators-waveguide system, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 37, 1083 (2020)
(3) Zhao-Hui Peng, Chun-Xia Jia, Yu-Qing Zhang, Zhong-Hua Zhu, Shi-Qing Tang, Ji-Bing Yuan, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Hybrid Toffoli gates with dipole-induced transparency effect in series and parallel cavity-waveguide systems, Quantum Information Processing, 18, 284 (2019)
(4) Zhao-Hui Peng, Chun-Xia Jia, Yu-Qing Zhang, Zhong-Hua Zhu, and Xiao-Juan Liu, Hybrid transparency effect in the drop-filter cavity–waveguide system, Optics Communications 427, 363 (2018)
(5) Zhao-Hui Peng, Le-Man Kuang, Jian Zou, Yu-Qing Zhang, Xiao-Juan Liu, Quantum controlled-not gate in the bad cavity regime, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Inf Process 14, 2833 (2015)
(6) Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Optimal entanglement concentration via photonic Faraday rotation in cavity QED, Optics Communications, 313, 365 (2014)
(7) Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Construction of general quantum channel for quantum teleportation, Quantum Information Processing, 12, 2803-2811 (2013)
(8) Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, Yong-Jun Xiao, and Le-Man Kuang, Atomic and photonic entanglement concentration via photonic Faraday rotation, Physical Review A, 86, 034305 (2012)
(9) Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Teleportation of atomic and photonic states in low-Q cavity QED, Optics Communications, 285, 5558 (2012)
(10) Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, and Xiao-Juan Liu, Perfect quantum information processing with Dicke-class state, European Physical Journal D, 58, 403 (2010)
(11) Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, and Xiao-Juan Liu, Scheme for implementing efficient quantum information processing with multiqubit W-class state in cavity QED, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41, 065505 (2008)
(12) Zhao-Hui Peng and Chun-Xia Jia, Scheme for implementing perfect quantum dense coding with three-atom W-class state in cavity QED, Optics Communications, 281, 1745 ( 2008)